Open Summer of Code 2020

Once again (as seems to have become sort of tradition) I am late with my osoc blogpost. But I still wanted to write something about the project we made and my experience working on it. This project was in cooperation with the Flemish ABB (Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur, which translates to…

Warm Turkey

To any potential future employers: please disregard this blogpost, I am actually very productive. So I'm a huge procrastinator. To give you an idea: this project was a way of procrastinating for a maths test. And then while working on this projected I ended up getting distracted and…

(minipost) analyzing my webserver's logs

So today I was a little bit bored, so I did what any normal person would do and I started playing with journald and specifically my website's logs. Now unfortunately I just moved my server to another VPS a little more than a month ago, so there aren&…

Open Summer of Code week 2 and 3

Open Summer Of Code ended a while ago already, but I still wanted to write a blogpost about the last two weeks of oSoc. I'm really happy with our final product (and Infrabel was very happy with it as well). We ended up not using machine learning for…

Open Summer of Code week 1 and 2

I just finished my first two weeks of Open Summer Of Code in Brussels. I was going to write a blogpost about the first week but I didn't really get to, so I'll just throw it in here together with the second week. It was an…

Festify Fuckery

About a week ago, I was contacted by @Ashleigh_tech on Twitter. She had the idea to mess around with a website called Festify. Festify is a service that allows people at a party to vote for the next song, which is of course very tempting for hackers... Festify uses…